School Communications


WEB (Where Everyone Belongs)

Tuesday, August 8 and Wednesday, August 9
WEB Leader Training from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the North Gym 
(A separate email will be sent to leaders/parents with details)
Thursday, August 10
WEB ORIENTATION from 8:00 - 11:30 AM
7th Graders to arrive at 8:00 AM for check-in; Program begins at 8:30 AM
Spartan Stadium (Football Field) 


WEB Coordinators:

Ana Berver            Shannon Brascia            Carrie Saks

Allison Dalbeck       Christine Werner           Mariana Valderhaug



WEB and WEB Leaders

WEB is a program that welcomes the seventh grade class at an orientation prior to the start of school and continues to support them throughout their first year at 7/8. A select group of eighth grade students will serve as WEB Leaders.


WEB Leaders are students who are positive role models, possess leadership qualities, kind, responsible, and most importantly, have a desire to give back to his/her school community.  


WEB Leaders will be given the responsibility of managing and instructing a small group of 10 seventh graders on Orientation Day. They will be working with another leader to guide students through a series of activities; these are done to allow the WEB Leaders and seventh graders to get to know each other better, as well as provide the Leaders the opportunity to pass on some valuable information about being successful in middle school.


In addition to Orientation Day, WEB Leaders will also be called upon to support seventh graders throughout the year in a variety of ways including calling his/her seventh grade group to check in, connecting with them during the school day, attending social events specifically designed for seventh graders and WEB Leaders as well as being available as a mentor for the seventh graders should the situation arise.


Students may apply to be WEB Leader at the end of their seventh grade year.



Important News

Check-In Policy for Visitors on Campus:

All visitors coming onto the LCHS campus need to sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge before entering the school. Any visitors on campus without a badge may be asked to leave.